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 "La Ilaha Illallah Muhammadur Rasulullah" is one of the most important and fundamental statements in Islam, often referred  to as the Shahada. It is the Islamic declaration of faith, affirming the oneness of Allah (God) and the prophethood of Muhammad (peace be upon him). This part of the statement translates to "There is no god but Allah." It underscores the core monotheistic belief in Islam, emphasizing that  there is no deity except Allah, and He is the one and only God. This part translates to "Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah." It acknowledges  the prophethood of Muhammad as the final messenger through whom Allah's guidance and message were revealed to humanity. The Shahada is recited by  Muslims as a fundamental expression of their faith, signifying their belief in the oneness of God and the role of Muhammad as His messenger.  It's recited during various religious rituals and holds a central place in Islamic theology and practice.